Um aristocrata ingles, o maior playboy e mulherengo das primeiras decadas do seculo, e entrevistado no salao da sua mansao senhorial em Sussex acerca da sua vida de conquistas, prazeres e aventuras.
- What was the most extravagant proposal anyone has ever made to you?
- I was once offered twenty million pounds by a saudi millionaire, to sleep with him!
- Twenty million pounds!! So what did you do with the money, afterwards?
- I don’t suppose you think I accepted that nonsense?..
- So you haven’t??
- I certainly have never slept with a man.
- What’s a Saudi, then?
- The Saudis and the Russian were the rich people in London, those days. Back then, we needed oil for our cars and gas for our heating. We used to call “Saudis” to the inhabitants of a country then called Saudi Arabia, which lies in the region now called the Great Desert. They were the richest men in the World, for they possessed a big portion of the World’s oil reserves. They would come to London, rent the best hotels, book out the top restaurants and just live their huge fortunes off.
- I suppose you were frequent party, in those events?
- Oh yes, I was, I surely was. I don’t think I missed a single party during the decade of 2000.
- You are definitely well-off, but twenty million pounds could have gone a long way for you, don’t you think?
- Of course. Other than this estate and two flats in London, I did not inherit much. All I ever had was fruit of my labour or, not seldom, my charms.
- So you have lived a life of sacrifice?
- Of course not! But I was never rich. Well-off, but not rich. All the parties, all the opulence, all the yachts and trips. All that was at the expense of someone else, a friend, a lover, a relative. I would have indeed loved to host one myself, but I was never wealthy enough for that, nor hard-working enough to become that wealthy!
- So you must regret every day not having accepted that offer, then?
- Which offer?
- The millionaire offer you just mentioned?
- You mean a job offer?
- No, the saudi’s offer! The twenty million pounds.
- What do you mean?
- Don’t you regret having refused the saudi’s offer to sleep with him one night?
- Do you mean if I regret not having slept with him that night!?
- Yes
- Because I would pocketed in twenty-million pounds and do whatever I wanted for the rest of my life?
- Yes!
- How old are you?
- Pardon?
- How old are you, what’s your age?
- Twenty-eight.
- Ah twenty-eight. You wouldn’t understand, then.
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